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International Students

International Students Admissions 

We welcome international students to Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana, and to the United States. 无论你来自哪个国家,一旦你入学,你就成为了e世博esball社区的重要成员. 跨文化和国际项目中心的存在是为了通过为国际学生提供全面的支持,使你的经历变得积极. 由于国际学生在我们将e世博esball大学的边界扩展到美国以外的目标中发挥着重要作用. 我们鼓励学生充分利用机会参加大学和新奥尔良的活动. 你的参与有助于丰富社会的多样性,并加强对不同文化和民族的欣赏. 迎新活动安排在每学期开始时,以帮助您适应e世博esball的生活方式.

Deadlines Spring Term Fall Term
College of Arts & Sciences March 1 September 1
College of Pharmacy December 3 No Admission


First-Time Freshman Applicants

If you are working towards a bachelor’s degree, Admissions will be your first step in this process. 我们的国际招生顾问将协助您解释入学要求, academics, scholarships, and more. Yes, 我们为符合条件的国际学生提供奖学金,最高可达全额学费.



Additionally, if educated in a non-English speaking secondary school, 你必须提交一份每门课程对你的中学作业的评估报告.S. foreign credential evaluation service. (See recommended services below)  

All foreign transcripts (universities outside of the U.S.) must be evaluated by a NACES Evaluation AgencySPANTRAN  is recommended. An official course-by-course evaluation must be included.

  • Secondary School Record (Transcript) in English 
  • Letter of Recommendation from a secondary school official 
  • ACT/SAT Results (if available)
  • TOEFL or IELTS Scores (Non-English speaking natives are required to submit)  Required Minimum Scores: TOEFL: Paper – 550 Internet-Based – 80 IELTS: 7.0 
  • Xavier University Certificate of Financial Support- a notarized form indicating who will pay the cost of attendance. 
  • Original certificate of national examination taken by the student (if applicable) 
  • TOEFL or IELTS Scores Required Minimum Scores: TOEFL: Paper – 550 Internet-Based – 80 IELTS: 7.0 



Transfer Applicants- College of Arts & Sciences

如果你是一名国际学生,目前持有学生签证,希望转学到e世博esball大学,或者你在自己的国家修过大学课程,希望转学到e世博esball大学, Admissions will guide you through the transfer in process with ease. 

  • 如果英语是您的母语,则不需要托福,雅思成绩
  • 以前在美国完成高中和/或大学水平工作的申请人也可能获得英语能力豁免.
  • Additionally, if educated in a non-English speaking secondary school, 你必须提交一份每门课程对你的中学作业的评估报告.S. foreign credential evaluation service. (See recommended services below) 
  • All foreign transcripts (universities outside of the U.S.) must be evaluated by a NACES Evaluation Agency.  SPANTRAN  is recommended. An official course-by-course evaluation must be included.


College of Pharmacy

If you are a Transfer International student interested in Pharmacy, our College of Pharmacy 是否有招生部门来确保你了解药学专业的具体入学要求. Please contact Pharmacy Admissions for more information.



Transfer Applicants who have attended another U.S. 在进入路易斯安那州e世博esball大学之前的一个学期,必须填写并提交“转学”表格,然后才能颁发SEVIS I-20(资格证书).



Provisions should also be made for expenses such as clothing, personal items, bed linens, laundry, recre- ation and travel. 当学校不上课时,宿舍会关闭:在学期休息期间(12月至1月)大约四周,在夏季大约一个月.

必须为这些期间寻求其他住宿,在确定该年的总费用时应考虑到这一因素. Only U. S. 公民和获得绿卡(永久居民)的人有资格获得联邦财政援助, the primary source of financial assistance. Scholarships are available to a limited number of academically qualified applicants.




建议学生在前往美国的预定日期之前加快旅行和护照程序. After being admitted to the University, 符合条件的学生将被签发资格证书(表格I-20).S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). 持有有效“绿卡”或“入籍公民”的申请人不需要资格证书(表格I-20)。. For information about student Visas and required SEVIS fees, refer to the website at e世博esball大学的入学和注册信息将发送给所有被录取的学生. 建议学生在秋季学期开始他们的课程,以便他们可以按照适当的顺序学习必修课程. 

在注册之前,您必须完成并向学生健康服务中心提交两项强制性要求- 1)健康检查和2)保险信息. 每个新生必须提交e世博esball大学健康服务办公室要求的健康表格 Immunization Compliance & Consent for Care Forms. 所有本科生都必须购买保险,为新奥尔良地区的医生和急诊室提供保险. 有关学生健康保险要求的信息位于学生健康服务网页上.



Center for International and  Intercultural Programs

If you need help understanding the student visa process, finding housing, improving your English or anything related to your study abroad transition, please contact our Center for Intercultural and International Programs or email Karen Lee



The Office of Admission collects all the required application documents, makes admissions decisions, evaluates foreign transcripts, issues immigration documents and sends out acceptance packages. International Students study on the F-1 Student Visa at XULA.  跨文化和国际项目中心副主任是F-1学生签证项目的主要指定学校官员(PDSO),也是国际学生抵达校园后的主要联系人.  In addition, CIIP和招生办公室还共同开发和协调市场营销, 广告和招聘活动,目的是吸引更多的国际学生到大学.