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Planning, Design & Construction

欢迎来到e世博esball大学令人兴奋的新宿舍楼和停车场项目的最新更新的官方页面. Here, you can find up-to-the-minute information about the construction progress, important meetings, and parking arrangements. 请随时将此页加入书签,以便轻松访问最新的发展.

Campus Map

Xavier's Vision Unveiled: The Future of Parking at Xavier South campus

e世博esball大学位于e世博esball南的尖端多层停车场正处于开发的初期阶段. 当我们重新定义便利时,见证城市景观的转变, efficiency, and community harmony.

这种创新的结构不仅仅是为了停车,它也是一种缓解街道交通和停车挑战的解决方案. 想象一个无缝集成的系统,不仅可以优化空间,还可以最大限度地减少对我们珍贵邻居的干扰.

Community Updates


May 30, 2024

我们想通知您,NCF学术科学综合大楼36号的屋顶更换将于周一开始, June 3, 2024. 有关该项目的详细资料,请参阅附件的地盘图则. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

roof replacement

March 20, 2024

2024年4月1日,我们将开始在校园工地上移动起重机和重物. Safety is paramount during these activities, 我们敦促所有人保持警惕,随时遵守安全协议. 整个施工现场都放置了指示牌,提醒您注意潜在的危险. 请尊重这些警告并在靠近施工区域时保持谨慎. 当卡车进进出出时,请不要步行或开车穿过施工现场, as it poses risks. 此外,请随时了解与施工有关的任何街道封闭或绕行. We appreciate your patience as we work to enhance campus facilities. Your cooperation in prioritizing safety is vital. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or 1-504-520-3200 Thank you for your understanding and support.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请不要犹豫,联系我 or by phone at 504-520-7395.

February 20, 2024

Notice of Dixion Street Closure for Parking Garage Construction

此通知是为了通知您即将到来的街道关闭,这将影响我们的校园社区. A segment of Dixon St. will be closed to through traffic from March 1st to July 14th. Throughout this period, access to specific sections of Dixon St. will be restricted.

While we recognize that this may pose some inconvenience, 请理解,这一措施对建设项目的推进至关重要. 有关受影响地区的详细情况,请参阅附图.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请不要犹豫,联系我 or by phone at 504-520-7395.

我们感谢您在施工阶段的理解和合作. 你们的安全以及这个项目的顺利完成是我们的首要任务.




February 6, 2024

Partial Parking Lot Closures in Parking Lot F

关于F停车场部分停车车道关闭的重要更新, specifically in the area bordering S Genois St, Dixon St, and S Clark St.

Starting this Friday, February 9th, F停车场的前三条车道将被关闭,直到夏天. This closure is necessary to facilitate construction work in the vicinity. 因此,从2月9日起,这三条车道将无法使用.

To ensure safety and manage the construction area effectively, fencing will be placed around the designated closed-off area. 请注意这个围栏,并配合任何额外的指示或标志,可能在地方. 

If you have any questions regarding this construction project, noise levels, or related matters, please feel free to reach out to me at or by phone at 504-520-7395.



Week of 10/7

  •  Multivista will perform the last of the interior surveys.

Week of 10/2

  • Multivista将按照邻居的要求,完成第二轮记录物业内部的照片.
  • Multivista将最后一次亲自递送内部调查请求的信件.

Week of 9/25

  • Multivista将根据邻居的要求进行第二轮拍摄,记录房屋内部的照片.

Week of 9/18

Week of 9/11:

  •  应邻居的要求,Multivista将执行第一轮记录物业内部的照片.
  •  Multivista will continue the exterior survey.

Week of 9/4:

  •  Lemoine/Multivista将亲自将信件送到住所,并开始接听电话.
  •  Multivista将开始拍摄记录Xavier建筑和周围社区的外观. 


Community Survey Map

Additional Information

宿舍楼将采用螺旋灌注桩(ACIP)代替打桩. acip的建造方法是先在土壤中钻孔,然后在达到所需深度后浇筑混凝土,并将振动降到最低. Vibration monitoring will be used initially as a precaution.

建筑工人将被禁止在工程现场以外的周边地区停车. 建筑工人将把车停在位于Stroelitz街和Pine街拐角处的Xavier 's Gert Town停车场,并将穿梭于项目现场. (subject to change)

The new Parking Garage will provide extra parking spaces, which is an increase in the number of parking spaces available currently.



Xavier is working with the contractor to identify closures. Only minor disruptions for utility tie-ins are currently planned.

Yes, 项目现场周围的人行道和街道停车场将在项目期间关闭.

School Arc
Thank you for your patience and understanding
感谢您的耐心和理解,因为我们正在努力改善校园设施,并为e世博esball大学社区提供更好的生活和停车选择. Your support and cooperation are greatly appreciated. 请继续关注本页,了解有关新宿舍楼和停车场项目的最新更新和公告.

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